School and daycare centers bring some of the best rewarding experiences for students, staff, and parents alike. Also, they are responsible for the well-being and health of a huge number of students on any given day.
Education and daycare cleaning services from Hyklean ensure that everyone from staff to students remains healthy. We offer state-of-the-art green cleaning services as a standard and use green cleaning procedures and environment-friendly products. This provides your school and daycare center the highest quality level of cleaning without leaving any smell of harsh toxins and residue.
Our cleaning solutions pay attention to high-touch points present in a classroom like shared computer keyboards, desks, door handles, whiteboards, light switches, etc. Additionally, we even disinfect high-traffic areas like lockers, cafeterias, and hallways.
Our Childcare & Educational Cleaning Services At A Glance
General Cleaning:
This service includes cleaning entrances, walkways, library, playrooms, break rooms, cafeteria, and offices.
Whiteboard & Chalkboard Cleaning:
We ensure these surfaces are ready and clean for usage the next day.
Floor Maintenance:
Our floor cleaning services include both resilient and non-resilient floors, even washing the hard floors.
Door & Window Cleaning:
We clean all windows and doors, both from the exterior and interior.
Regular mopping of all areas, including the ones that are hard to reach and clean.
Why Choose Hyklean Cleaning Services?
Every educational institution must follow the CDC-recommended cleaning procedures. As an experienced cleaning service provider, we are aware that thorough cleaning is more than just dusting and mopping.
That is why we provide educational institutions and daycare centers with a multitude of janitorial services. We are always on time and on budget. Our cleaning experts arrive at your school at the time best suited for you, and the services will be tailored as per your budget. Also, every member of our team is a thorough professional with provable experience. We make sure each cleaner hired by us passes background checks before working in any educational institution.
Parents are quick in evaluating their children’s elementary and high school facilities based on cleanliness and appearance. We strive to help schools and daycare owners create a good first and lasting impression with the best cleaning services.